Monday, April 15, 2013

Earn Money for Being Healthy

Walgreens is now rewarding customers not only for their spending but for their healthy behavior.

The System

When you make a purchase at the store, your car is swiped and you receive points depending on what you purchased. Every week they have specials for certain items with a high point value. Every time you fill a prescription or get an immunizatio you earn 500 points. Every time you receive a receipt, your points are at the bottom.
Healthy Behavior 
Now you can earn points for being healthy! For every mile you walk or run you can earn 20 points. You can also earn 20 points from tracking your weightloss. This is great way to set personal goals and achieve them!
The system also allows you to engage with others who are doing the same with online community forums. This is great place to communicate with others about their progress and give your advice to inspire them.
Depending on your points, you will receive an amount to spend at Walgreens. This allows you to save and earn more points! 
Listen to what the host of The Biggest Loser, Alison Sweeney has to say about this great program!
Take the first step in your healthy journey by signing up today!

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