Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Books Key for Weightloss

Book 1: Skinny Bitch
If you truly want to be thin, READ THIS BOOK. It is blunt, realistic, and a huge wake up call. This book was #1 on the NYT best sellers.The authors use a direct tone with a tough love approach. Once I picked up the book I COULD NOT stop reading it. It's like a diet book with a drill sargeant coaching you. I learned so much that you would think would be common sense but the delivery of this book really makes the information engrained in your head and makes you really start thinking healthy.
"Stop Being a Moron and Start Getting Skinny!"

"If you can't take one more day of self-loathing, you're ready to hear the truth:
You cannot keep shoveling the same crap into your mouth every day and expect to lose weight."

"Soda is liquid Satan"

"You are a total moron if you the Atkins Diet will make you thin"

This diet book inspires women in a whole new way. The blunt approach delivers solid guidance to living a health lifestyle and is extremely motivating. This is probably the only diet book out there that is HILARIOUS!

Visit Skinny Bitch to learn more about the authors and their collection and follow them on twitter @SkinnyBitch!

Book 2: Eat This Not That
This is another must read book for weight loss and healthier decisions when you are out and about. This book offers the worst and best choices to order when you are out to eat as well as when you're at the super market. This book offers tons and tons of simple food swaps that could lead to a lower scale number and a healthier you. This is great eye opening read. The information may shock you and you come to find what you thought was healthier is not...


This series offers great information that is really beneficial and can make you feel not so guilty about going out to eat. It also assures you that you are buying the healhiest products over another. Check out the Eat this Not that app so you can always have this information with you and follow it on Twitter!


Take a look at all the different Books to make even more healthier choices!


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