Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Change the Way You Think About Food

 Hungry For Change Documentary

This documentary was nothing shy of eye-opening, shocking, and inspirational. This film has health and nutrition experts exposing information the food industry does not want you to know about. It also includes personal stories of people who were once obese and decided to make a change and are currently living a healthy lifestyle. This film educates you on how to incorporate healthy food choices into your life and assist you avoiding the dangers of "fake" food.  The film hits on five main points: how to overcome food addictions and cravings, why fad diets don't work, how to properly read food labels, what fat is, and the most effective strategies for dexoxifying your body.  All the following information, I learned from the film.

The film stresses the fact that our population is over fed but starving to death. Meaning our modern civilization intakes a high amount of calories and very low nurtrients because we aren't consuming real food, we're eating "food like" products. The food industry knows exactly what they are doing when marketing their "fat free" and "healthy" foods. Since 1940 there has been 75,000 synthetic chemicals released, chemicals we use in our food. When food marketer's put things on their packages such as; zero calories, sugar free, or no fat, it can be extremely deceptive. It leads consumers to believe their products will make them skinny, sexy and healthy, when in reality it does the opposite. When a product says "no fat", it is usually replaced with lots of carbs and sugar. This makes the consumer want more.The industry manipulates food with all these chemicals that make you think you're eating something healthy, but you're really not.

The film compared eating foods with MSG (Monosodium glutamate) to smoking cigarettes. MSG is 80% of our modern day food and is the same chemical researchers used on rats to make them gain weight. Simply disqusting. The chemicals in cigarettes make you addicted and MSG chemicals in food have the same effect.

Our society needs to become more educated on the ingredients and nutrients of everything we consume. The film gave examples of how people need to know the definition of sugar. Some people say they are on a sugar free diet but they are still consuming, bread, pasta, sushi, and pizza. All of these have extremely high levels of sugar. The film gave a great example of a Ted Talk , explaining the importance of knowing what you're children eat and how much sugar they actually consume just from drinking chocolate milk.

The chemicals and sugar levels in these types of food make our bodies become habituated to the effect it has on us and makes us keep wanting more. These are known as comfort foods, foods that people run to when they are stressed thinking it will help.

In reality man made food causes hormonal chaos. All the additives in food  products are linked to mood swings, depression, and other diseases. People think that food is the solution to their problems when in reality it is the cause.

Real food such as; fruits, vegetables, meat, and nuts were put on this earth for a reason. Our bodies are biologically enginereed to live off these foods and love it. People need to step away from "diets" and simply add natural foods into their life.

A great way to cleanse and detox your body is juicing. Juicing creates higher energy levels, clearer sking, glowing eyes, and healthy hair and nails. Combing multiple natural foods and drinking all the nutrients is beyond healthy for you. It takes only 15 minutes after you drink the juice for the nutrients to go into every cell of your body. If you give your body real food, you'll start noticing a mood change, weight loss, a glowing appearance, and higher energy levels. All the artifical products on the market hinder all of these.

I would reccomend this film to anyone. Every single person should be well educated on how to properly fuel their body and know the tricks of the food industry. All this information does'nt do a justice on how eye-opening the film truly was. I encourage everyone to watch it!

Save yourself the headache and weight gain, EAT REAL FOOD

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