Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Go Flax!

This small card is a BIG deal

It's no secret I am a health nut and love finding new ways to be healthy. My roommate brought me this card home and right away it intrigued me. Flax Seed is the new IT thing! On this small card there is 17 ways Flax Seed is beneficial to everyone and that's huge. Such a small seed can help you in many ways. Flax seeds are high in lignans protein and fiber but what does that even mean....

What the heck are lignans?

Lignans are a group of chemical compounds found in plant-based foods such as flax seed. Research is saying flax lignans may have what it takes to prevent pre-cancerous cells to develop as well as slow down the development of cancer cells that are already in place. Lignans can help prevent cancer....and flax seeds contain lignans, so flax seed may be a cure for cancer. That is one giant reason to eat flax seed right there!

What is so great about fiber?

Fiber gets rid of your body's garbage. The fiber in flax seed is called soluble fiber meaning it attracts water and slows down digestion. This makes you feel full longer and causes your stomach to not feel like it's running on empty. So when dieting, fiber can be your best friend. Fiber cleans up your cholesterol toxins and gets rid of digestive and cellular debris. This assists in lowering your risk of heart diease and diabetes. Fiber does your body's dirty work and takes care of you. Flax seeds are high in fiber, another great reason to eat them!

What could Omega-3 be?

Omega-3 is an essential group of fatty acids for our bodies to function normally. Since our bodies don't produce the type of fatty acids we need, we need to take repsonsibility in consuming them. Omega-3 is known to reduce inflammation whichs assists in preventing inflammatory diseases like heart disease and artritis. Fatty acids are also an important ingredient for your brain's behavior and thought process. Flax seeds are high in Omega-3 and Omega-3 fights disease and helps your brain work. Yet another great reason to eat flax seeds!

Gluten is so last season..

Gluten free is the new way to be! Gluten is a protein found in wheat grains, barley, and rye. Many of our favorite foods contain gluten like pizza, pasta, and bread but that doesn't it a good guy. Gluten is known to prevents absorbtion of essential minerals in your body. Gluten can lead to conditions such as celiac disease, migraines, and extreme fatigue. Not to mention put a serious damage on your weight loss goals and make stepping on the scale a little harder. Being gluten-free can improve your cholesterol levels, aid your digestive health and make you an energizer bunny. So integrating gluten free foods into your life only makes perfect sense. Gluten is out of season and flax seed is in!

You're hooked now, but how do you eat them?

You can sprinkle the seeds over your morning yogurt, toss some on your salad, or even blend them in with a smoothie. There are also many products now that contain flax seed such as; cereal, bread, granola, and nutrition bars. There are plenty of options for you to start showing your body you appreciate it and don't want it to expire soon, so join the club!

Once you go Flax you never go back


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