Monday, February 11, 2013

Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping Experience

Do you want to get back into shape but are intimidated by the gym? Or maybe you want to switch up your work out routine. I highly recommend Farrell’s Extreme Body Shaping (FXB). It is truly a life changing experience. I started the 10 week program my sophomore year in college and I am currently still working out at Farrell’s my senior year treating it like my gym membership. It is only a 45 minute class that will change your whole day. They have many class times through out the day to make it easy for you to get your work out in on top of work and class. The classes are 6 days a week altering from kickboxing on Monday-Wednesday-Friday and strength training with resistance bands on Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.
Farrell’s is not an environment to be intimidated by. The coaches are extremely motivating and want you to get the best work out and feel empowered. No matter what age or athletic ability you are, you won’t feel out of place. Once you start you won’t want to stop. It is hard work and you will sweat your ass off but that’s the point isn’t it? You will be extremely sore and feel muscles you never even knew you had but it is a great feeling of accomplishment. You can truly feel your body getting stronger and you will love the results.
It is a complete body workout. Rather than just going to the gym and doing the elliptical or running, going to Farrell's is like having a personal trainer every day but for a much cheaper price! You learn to work out your entire body and solve problem areas you didn’t even know were possible. You will feel so much better about yourself. I highly encourage anyone and everyone to try it. I promise you wont regret it.
Keeping your body in shape is critical to good health and once you start this program it will become part of your  healthy lifestyle not just a 10 week program. If I don't make it to Farrell's, I feel like my whole day is thrown off and incomplete. It is also an extremely great stress reliever and time to get your mind off things. There is nothing like getting a killer workout in when life is stressing you out, it releases so much tension! Going to Farrell’s is “my” time of day. It is a time when I can go let lose, release some stress, and feel good about myself. This could be you too!
Everyone has to start somewhere and tomorrow is a new day! Take care of your body, you only get one!
Check out some FXB memembers inspiring stories
FXB Blogs

WHEN you do join, I highly reccomend the gloves on the left verse the ones on the right. They are more convenient when doing a variety of different work outs on kickboxing days!

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