Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Break Prep!

With spring break less than a week away, it is prime time to prepare your body for that fun in the sun!
With being in the sun and consuming alcohol, possibly large amounts of both.......HYDRATION IS KEY. Giving your body plenty of water is critical for your spring break A game.

Hydrating Foods

(% H2O Content)

Lettuce: 94%
Zuccini: 95%
Cataloupe: 90%
Watermelon: 92%
Bell Peppers: 92%
Oranges: 87%
Broccoli: 91%
Tomatoes: 95%
Carrotes: 87%
Fruits and veggies are not only a great way to get water but they also are packed with the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to work properly. Moral of the story, fruits and veggies should be your best friend before you leave on spring break.


Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge, a charge your body needs to regulate nerve and muslce function and maintain fluid balance. Sweating and consuming alcohol causes your body to lose electrolytes and you need electrolytes for your spring break A game. So get ahead of the electro game!


Drinks with high electrolytes

Coconut Water
Propel Fitness Water
On top of drinking plenty of water, drink these before, during, and after spring break. These will help  build and restore any electrolytes lost helping your body function at its best.


Foods with high electrolytes

Whole grains
Eating these foods can help prepare your body for your spring break adventures. I highly advise you to consume these drinks and foods. You won't be let down with the results. Giving your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs is key to proper body function.

Just like you wouldn't go on a 17 hour road trip without putting oil in your car, you shouldn't go on spring break without hydrating your body with water and vitamins :)

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